Apple AppleScript Finder Guide User Manual
Page 36

C H A P T E R 2
Finder Objects
The Finder Application Object
You can refer to windows by name, by number, or as the window property of
the object to which they belong. For example, these statements are equivalent:
window "My Folder"
window of folder "My Folder" of startup disk
These statements are also equivalent:
window 1
front window
The Finder’s front window isn’t necessarily the active content space, which can
be the desktop as well as a window. To get a reference to the active content
space, use this statement:
content space 1
References Returned for the Insertion Location property
The Finder’s Insertion Location property returns a reference to the object to
which new information can currently be added. For example, if the New Folder
command in the File menu is active, the insertion location is a reference to the
container in whose content space the new untitled folder appears when you
choose New Folder. This container can be a folder, a disk, or the desktop:
tell application "Finder"
insertion location
end tell
--result: desktop of application "Finder"
If the active content space is a sharing window or an information window, the
insertion location is a reference to the container to which the window belongs.