Apple AppleScript Finder Guide User Manual

Page 122

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C H A P T E R 3

Finder Commands


Command Definitions


This script copies two files and places them in a folder on another disk:

tell application "Finder"

copy {file "Release Notes" of disk "My World", ¬

file "Report" of disk "My World"} to folder "Backups" of ¬
startup disk

end tell



The Count command counts the number of elements of a particular class in a

container. The Finder version of the Count command is similar to the standard

application command described in the AppleScript Language Guide, except that

the Finder’s Count command always returns a single integer.


count [ each | every ]

className [ ( in | of ) referenceToContainer ]

number of

className [ ( in | of ) referenceToContainer ]



The class name of the elements to be counted. If you use the

term each or every, you can use only the singular form of

the class name. The kinds of elements that Finder objects can

contain are listed in the object class definitions for each class

in Chapter 2, “Finder Objects.” You must specify a class name

or the command won’t work.


Class identifier