Predefined groups -4 – Konica Minolta Printgroove User Manual
Page 19

Basic Information
Printgroove POD Guide Quick Start Guide
See “Roles and Permissions for Default Users” on page 2-6.
Predefined Groups
A Group is a collection of users that use the same Job Ticket, the same Job
Ticket Number Format, and the same Price List.
All internal users belong to the group named, “Printshop Group.”
The “Printshop Group” can be edited by the Application Administrator or oth-
ers with the appropriate Role. This group cannot be deleted nor can another
group for internal users be created.
The predefined group for external users is “HR”. The Application Administra-
tor or others with the appropriate Role can create, edit, and delete groups for
external users.
See “Group Settings” on page 6-7.
Job Ticket Format, Job Ticket Number Format and Price
Lists for Default Groups
Job Ticket Format is the form that users fill out to place an order. There are
two basic types of Job Ticket Formats: Standard Order and Quick Order. The
Standard Order contains all the available job ticket settings. Quick Orders
provide the user with real time price quotes for a job but the job tickets have
limited settings.
Job Ticket Number format is the combinations of letters, sequence numbers
or date the order was placed, all these values used to identify the Job Ticket.
A Price List contains all the costing values for all supported job ticket settings
as well as all Delivery, Internal Service and Special Pricing costs. The Appli-
cation Administrator assigns the values to a Price List. A single price list is
assigned to a group. Every job processed by that group will be costed based
on the values set in the Price List.
Printshop Group
The group to which all internal users belong. This group can be edited but
another group for internal users cannot be created. This group cannot be
The predefined group for external users. This group can be edited but not
deleted. Other groups for external users can be created, edited and deleted.