HID Hi-O iCLASS Installation Guide User Manual
Page 31

iCLASS OEM75 Integration Guide, 3141-907, Rev. B.0
January 2014
Page 31 of 49
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/************************** Private Functions ************************/
** NAME:
** sendSpiByte
** dataOut - the byte to send
** pDataIn - points to the location to store the returned data byte.
** None
** This function assumes the SPI slave select pin is already driven low.
** NOTES: This is code for a Microchip PIC18F2520. This code will
** be different for other SPI drivers on other processors.
static void sendSpiByte(UBYTE dataOut, UBYTE *pDataIn)
// Send the byte.
SSPBUF = dataOut;
while (0 == (SSPSTAT & BIT_0)) ; // wait for transmission to complete
// Read the byte returned by the slave SPI device.
*pDataIn = SSPBUF; // Clears BF
// Delay a short time to allow the slave device to act.