Using xmodem to upgrade the switch software – Allied Telesis AT-S26 User Manual

Page 138

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Upgrading Switch Software and Configuration Files


Upgrading the software in a switch involves using the Download
Password. This password is required when upgrading the software
except when using the XMODEM software upgrade feature. The default
download password is ATS26. The password is case sensitive. Changing
this default password to an unique password will prevent unauthorized
personnel from changing the software on the switch. See IP Parameters
in Chapter 3 for instructions on how to change the download password.

Using XModem

to Upgrade the

Switch Software

Omega supports software upgrades to the switch using XModem. It is
assumed that you have the required setup to support this type of file
transfer. This upgrade procedure can only be performed from a local
session because the Xmodem transfer occurs through the switch’s
RS232 management port.

You can upgrade a switch’s software with XModem using either of the
following methods:

Method 1: Using the Omega Menus

1. Start a local Omega management session.

2. From the Omega Main Menu, select Administration to display the

Administration menu.

3. Select XModem software update to this system.

4. Initiate the upgrade from your XModem host. The Xmodem host

displays a message stating that the upgrade in progress. Be sure to
wait until the switch has fully downloaded the software, performed its
diagnostic tests, and reinitialized and rebooted itself before you
attempt to reestablish an Omega session.

Method 2: Using the Special System Menus

1. Attach a terminal to the RS232 port on the switch.

2. Press the Reset button on the right side of the switch’s front panel.

3. Immediately press any key when you see the following prompt:

Hit any key to run diagnostics or to reload
system software.

A menu is displayed.

4. From the menu, select Administration.

5. Select XModem software update to this system. The following prompts

are displayed.

Ready to receive software upgrade via XModem.

Warning: During software update, management
activity is disabled.

Do XModem update now? (Yes or No):