Igmp menu – Allied Telesis AT-VIEW PLUS 3.0 DEVICE MANAGEMENT User Manual
Page 243

Allied Telesyn
- AT-RG634A: Valid MIB Set values for the Aging Time Value parameter are in the
range [0-2147483647] inclusive. Attempting to set this parameter to any value will not result
in an error, but the new value will not be applied.
- AT-RG656BD: The current firmware version does not allow the Learning Status
parameter to be set to 'disable'. Attempting to do so will result in the error message: "The
error occurred with 'Set' operation. Error: time out occurred."
- AT-RG656BD : Changing the value of the Aging Time Mode parameter causes the
Aging Time Value parameter to be set to 0.
- AT-RG656BD : Valid MIB Set values for the Aging Time Value parameter are in the
range [0-2147483647] inclusive. However, the current firmware version truncates entered
values to 7 digits.
Traffic Priority
Displays the system base priority.
Routing Limit
Displays the routing limit.
- Setting the Routing Limit parameter to a value other than 'none' will cause the Base
Priority parameter under Bridge -> Traffic Priority to be set to 0.
- When setting the Routing Limit parameter to a value other than 'none', the current
firmware is able to set the parameter successfully for the CLI but not for SNMP. As a result,
AT-View Plus Device Manager will continue to display the value 'none'.
- When the Routing Limit parameter is set to a value other than 'none', the value
'???(0)(???(0))' may sometimes be displayed for this parameter.
QoS Info
Displays Differentiated Service Code Point (DSCP) entries and its QoS priority level.
From the IGMP menu, you can view and edit information related to Internet Group Management
Protocol (IGMP).
Leave Time
Displays RTC status information including current time, offset, last update, and last delta.
e parameter are in the range [0-25] inclusive.
Attempting to set this parameter to a value outside the valid range will not result in an error
but the new value will not be applied.
- Valid MIB Set values for the Leave Tim
PN 613-50665 Rev A
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