Samsung SPH-L720ZKASPR User Manual

Page 110

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Share Photos or Videos on Google+

You need to be signed in to a Google Account to upload photos and videos to Google+.

1. Press

and tap

Apps >


2. Tap the album that contains the photos or videos you want to send.

3. Tap the photo or video you want to send.

4. Touch the screen and then tap

> Google+.

5. Compose your message and then tap


Send Photos or Videos by Hangouts

You need to be signed in to a Google Account to upload photos and videos to Hangouts.

1. Press

and tap

Apps >


2. Tap the album that contains the photos or videos you want to send.

3. Tap the photo or video you want to send.

4. Touch the screen and then tap

> Hangouts to share the photo or video in


Send a Photo or Video by Multimedia Message

Although you can send several photos or videos in a multimedia message, it may be better to
send one at a time, especially if the files are large in size.

1. Press

and tap

Apps >


2. Tap the album that contains the photos or videos you want to send.

3. Tap the photo or video you want to send.

4. Touch the screen and then tap

> Messaging.

5. Compose your message and then tap


Pictures and Video


This manual is related to the following products: