Index tr – Apple Macintosh LC 630 DOS User Manual
Page 202

troubleshooting in Mac OS. See also
troubleshooting in PC
answers to common problems 80–92
application program problems 36,
blinking question mark on screen 9,
“bomb” message on screen 77, 79
clock keeps time inaccurately 81
computer doesn’t recognize SCSI
computer “hangs” or freezes during
dialog box with a bomb appears on
ejecting a floppy disk 138
error messages 77–79
icons do not appear correctly on
initializing/reinitializing a hard disk
installing/reinstalling system software
keyboard problems 88
messages on PC Setup control panel
monitor problems 10, 80–81
mouse connection problems 87
not enough memory 89, 92
opening files 90–91
performance issues with shared
pointer doesn’t move 85–86, 87
rebuilding the desktop 80, 84
repairing a damaged disk 97–101
restarting the computer 79
“sad Macintosh” icon appears 83
screen is dark 10, 80–81
starting the computer 10, 80–84
strange text characters when using
system software installation
turning the computer on 10
typing produces nothing on screen 88
unreadable floppy disks 84–85
using a DOS document in Mac OS 91
troubleshooting in PC environment. See
also troubleshooting in Mac OS
answers to common problems
application program problems 115,
bypassing CONFIG.SYS and
startup 119
computer “hangs” or freezes during
Disklight of Norton Utilities, shared
DOS-compatibility software problems
ejecting a floppy disk or CD-ROM
Macintosh Easy Open software not
monitor synchronization
PC crashes when Harvard Graphics is
PC environment is frozen 114, 118
PC Setup memory issues 117
performance issues with shared
printing, top and bottom of page get
running out of UMB (high memory)