Index e–fu – Apple Macintosh LC 630 DOS User Manual

Page 194

background image


Easy Install dialog box 104, 107, 108
ejecting disks

can’t eject a disk 138
while in Mac OS 137
while in PC environment 41, 44, 45,

116, 137

electromagnetic emissions, health effects

of exposure to 133

EMM386 memory management DOS

utility 43, 117

Empty Trash command (Special menu)

13, 75

Enter key 158
Epson emulation, PC environment print

output and 55–56, 57

error messages 77–79. See also messages
Escape key 158
expansion card

installing 3, 143–147, 149–156

Extensions folder

PC Clipboard extension 52, 53
PC Print Spooler 57, 118
removing/replacing system extensions

85, 86

Extensions Manager control panel 85, 86
eye fatigue associated with computer use

129, 131, 133


fading the screen before switching

environments 42

fatigue from computer use, avoiding

131, 133

FDISK DOS utility 116

accessing PC files in a drive

container 71

backing up (Mac OS) 38
opening with Macintosh Easy Open


transferring between Mac OS and PC

environment 67–68

transferring from an old to a new

container 75

troubleshooting 68, 90–91

Finder, making active 18
floating-point unit (FPU) 89
floppy disk drive

illustration 29
installing 34

floppy disks

backing up files on (Mac OS) 38
Disk First Aid program and 100–101
DOS 720K format, problems with 44
ejecting 41, 44, 116, 137–138
formatting for use in both Mac OS and

DOS 85

guidelines for handling 137
inserting 36
locked/unlocked (PC environment) 44
repairing 84, 100–101
restarting the PC environment

from 44

starting the computer from 82, 94
unreadable 84–85
using a DOS disk in Mac OS 85, 116
using a Mac OS disk in PC

environment 44


AppleScript 35
Control Panels 53, 54, 116
Extensions 52, 53, 57, 85, 86, 118
performance issues with shared

folders 68

Previous System Folder 109
sharing with PC environment 47–48,

67–68, 125

Spooler Rejected 57
System Folder 36, 102, 109

Function keys 158
furniture for computer use, arranging

130, 131–132



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