Introduction, Rtmc pro – Campbell Scientific RTMC Pro Real-Time Monitor and Control Professional Software User Manual

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1. Introduction

The RTMC (Real-Time Monitor and Control) Pro software provides the ability
to create and run graphical screens to display real-time data as LoggerNet or
RTDAQ collects it from the dataloggers. Controls are also provided to view
and set datalogger ports and flags, as well as input locations or variables. In
LoggerNet, RTMC Pro can combine data from multiple dataloggers on a single
display. In RTDAQ, RTMC Pro projects are limited to a single datalogger. As
LoggerNet or RTDAQ collects data from the dataloggers, the displays in
RTMC Pro are automatically updated.

RTMC Pro is used to create and edit a real-time graphic display screen to
display the data collected from the dataloggers. Once the screen is built and
saved as a project, *.rtmc2, the screen can be displayed using RTMC Run-time.
This allows graphic display screens to run on other computers with just the
RTMC Run-time program.

RTMC Pro is an enhanced version of the standard RTMC Development that
ships with LoggerNet and RTDAQ. RTMC Pro contains more graphical
components than RTMC. For example, more alarms (multi-state), alarm
events (email, FTP, run/open), switches (lever, rocker, rotary), charts (XY and
scope), gauges (rotary, compass), and layout components (group box, bevel,
panel) are available. For components that exist in both versions, more
properties have been exposed in RTMC Pro resulting in more design control.
RTMC Pro also includes run/open button, hotspot, snapshot, and alarm log
capabilities. In LoggerNet, you also have the ability to add data files,
databases, HTTP dataloggers, virtual data sources, and additional LoggerNet
servers as data sources for RTMC Pro projects. See Section 2.5, Managing
Data Sources
, for more information.

A project that is created with the standard RTMC Development
version can be converted to RTMC Pro format. However, once a
project is converted to RTMC Pro format, it cannot be opened in
standard RTMC.


For help in getting started with RTMC, there is a tutorial provided on the
Downloads page of our website,

. The

tutorial is done using standard RTMC development, but the same concepts
apply to RTMC Pro.

The same RTMC Run-time is used to run projects developed in either RTMC
Pro or the standard RTMC Development.

One copy of RTMC Run-time is provided with LoggerNet and RTDAQ. For
LoggerNet, additional copies to run on remote machines can be purchased

Also included with RTMC Pro is the CSI Web Server. This allows you to view
your RTMC projects using a web browser. See Section 4, CSI Web Server, for
more information.