4 http datalogger source, 5 virtual data source properties, Http datalogger source – Campbell Scientific RTMC Pro Real-Time Monitor and Control Professional Software User Manual

Page 44: Virtual data source properties

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2.5.4 HTTP Datalogger Source

To add an HTTP datalogger press the Add button and select Add HTTP
Datalogger Source
. A dialog box will open requiring you to specify the

Source Name

Designates the name that will be used for the HTTP datalogger in the Data
Source Browser.

Datalogger Web Address

Specifies the IP address of the HTTP datalogger.

Datalogger Web Username

This is the username that should be used when accessing the HTTP

Usernames and passwords are controlled by the .csipasswd file
on the datalogger. Device Configuration Utility (DevConfig)
must be used to create a .csipasswd file for a datalogger. The
.csipasswd file is created by connecting to the datalogger in
DevConfig and then pressing the Edit .csipasswd File button on
the Net Services tab.

Datalogger Web Password

This is the password for the specified username.

Query Interval

Specifies how often RTMC will query the HTTP datalogger for new data.


2.5.5 Virtual Data Sou

The virtual

read from

and write to. This is especially useful if you have only database and/or data file

to be used

urces, you

ble.) The

the Public


Use the arrows or type in a number directly and then choose Milliseconds
Seconds, Minutes, Hours, or Days from the drop-down list.

rce Properties

data source lets you create a custom table that you can

data sources in your project, but you need a place to write variables
in your project. (In server data sources and HTTP datalogger data so
can accomplish the same thing by writing to values in the Public ta
virtual data source table you create is a single record table much like
table. It does not store historic data.