Campbell Scientific RTMC Pro Real-Time Monitor and Control Professional Software User Manual
Page 15
Displays a static text string that can be used to
label other components or simply add text to the
Miscellaneous Tab
Provides a motor that can be depicted as on or off
based on a data value.
Displays a pipe. The flow through the pipe can be
determined by a data value. A pipe is horizontal
by default. To make a vertical pipe, unlock the
aspect ratio and resize it so that it is taller than it is
Provides a pipe joint that can be used to connect
two pipes.
Provides a valve that can be depicted as opened or
closed based on a data value.
Reports Tab
Provides a button bar that allows the user to
customize the date range of their report. It also
provides buttons in run-time to step through data
or jump to a specific date.
Displays the report range. The user can customize
the dates shown and the format used. In run-time
mode, the header updates as the report date range
Allows the user to insert custom notes at run-time
before the report is exported. Notes are temporary
and are lost when the report is closed.
Provides options for controlling how reports get
exported. Export options include HTML, PDF,
PDF (Image), PNG, JPEG, GIF, and BMP. The
reports can also be setup so they are printed,
emailed, or FTP’d when the report is exported.
The component also allows you to specify which
of the above export options are available in RTMC
Status Bars Tab
Depicts the selected data value as a single vertical
or horizontal bar. In run-time mode, max and min
pointers can be reset by right-clicking the