4 expressions, Expressions – Campbell Scientific RTMC Pro Real-Time Monitor and Control Professional Software User Manual

Page 25

background image


Order is used to manage the position of graphic objects on the workspace.
This is often referred to as Z order. Displays are often a combination of a
background graphic and data display objects in front. Objects added to the
workspace are, by default, placed on top of any existing objects. These
operations are used to determine the order in which objects are displayed. This
is important when layering transparent objects.

Group Components allows you to group components together. They can then
be moved, copied, ordered, etc. as a single object. Select the components to be
grouped by holding the Ctrl key and clicking the components with the primary
mouse button. Then choose the Group Components item from the Component
menu or the Component right-click menu. You must have at least two
components selected for this menu item to be enabled.

When a component group is selected, the menu item will change to Ungroup
Components. You can undo the grouping by selecting this menu item.

When components are grouped, the properties for each component will show
up as an item in the right-click menu. These menu items can be used to modify
the properties for each component.

Window Menu

If there are multiple screens in the project, Window will allow you to change
between the screens using the menu.

Help Menu

RTMC Pro Development Help provides access to help for all of the features
of RTMC Pro.

Keyboard Map opens a dialog box from which you can print RTMC Pro’s
keyboard shortcuts or copy them to the Windows clipboard.

About RTMC Pro Development provides version and copyright information.

2.4 Expressions

RTMC Pro has a built-in expression interpreter that allows the user to scale the
data or create displays based on calculations of a data point.

Components that display data values either numerically or graphically can be
processed using expressions. These expressions can include simple
mathematical expressions, functions to manipulate strings, or more complex
functions that deal with the state of a data value over time.

For instance, a temperature reading in degrees Celsius can be processed to
display in degrees Fahrenheit using a simple mathematical expression. This is
done by first selecting the data value in the Select Data field, and then entering
the mathematical expression after the defined data value. Using the above
example, if the data value is defined as “Server:CR5000.TempData.Temp1”
(“Source:datalogger.table.variable”), you would enter

“Server:CR5000.TempData.Temp1” * 1.8 + 32

to convert the temperature reading from degrees Celsius to degrees Fahrenheit.