17 appendix g hct terminology and definitions, Appendix g hct terminology and definitions – High Country Tek emc-3L User Manual
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17 Appendix G HCT Terminology and Definitions
Always bubble – Time critical logic needs to be contained here because this bubble will be executed based
on the process update time(default 10ms).
Analog Inputs
– The state of the input is measured from 0-5vdc. Under the universal Input configuration the
input ranges are (-1 to +1 volt), (0 to 5volts), (0 to 10volts), or (0 to 22mA).
Bang Bang Valve
– Discrete function on/off type valve.
Compile –
This function (Ctrl-M) will create a .PGM file that will be loaded into the DVC system. Any syntax
errors in the program will be flagged in this step.
Counter Mode Input –
Input counts high pulses depending input range, counts would be reset through
Current Regulation -
provides for automatic hardware and BIOS based adjustments to maintain the coil
current at the application code’s PWM% setting.
Digital Inputs – The state of the input is either a logical 0 (off) or a logical 1 (on).
Dual Coil High-Side Output- Gives programmer access to (2) PWM high side outputs.
– Digital Valve Controller.
EEMemory -
Electronically erasable memory (EE Memory) is memory that is maintained (non volatile) when
there is no power to the DVC710. EEmemory locations can be used to interface to the compiled, running DVC
Enable Current Ramps -
The output current will be ramped up or down based on the ramp times to the Low-
Side Name set-point.
Enable Process PI - provides a facility where the application program sets a desired set-point value and then
continually determines a feedback variable
Input/Output Funcions –
Patented feature of HCT, allows programmer to simplify math functions by custom
configuring an output based on a programmable input. Could be used to drive a non-linear pump in a linear
High-Side Only Output –
Gives programmer access to (2) bang bang high side outputs.
Output Group –
The outputs of the DVC module can be configured into 4 groups, Dual Coil High Side, Single
Coil High-Side, Single Coil Low-Side, High-Side Only.
Password (App) –
Level 2 Password to limit access to certain screens in the Loader Monitor.
Password (Bios) –
Level 3 Password to limit access to certain screens in the Loader Monitor.
Password (Send) –
Level 1 Password to limit access to certain screens in the Loader Monitor.
Process Update Time (ms) –
Sets the process time from 1 to 20ms. Default is 10ms.
Program Loader Monitor(PLM)
– software used to download programs into DVC modules. Also used to
monitor program ‘online’.
Programming Tool – Intella software used to author and modify DVC code.
PWM Duty Cycle Control - The Low-Side Name allows direct PWM control.
PWM Frequency – Controls the frequency output.
PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) – Proportional control 0-100%.
RPM Pulse Input – Input will count pulses, set pulses time out and pulses per rev. Could be used to count
teeth on a gear to determine speed of a driveshaft.
Single Coil Low-Side Output- Gives programmer access to (1) PWM low side output and (2) bang bang high
side valves.
Single Coil High-Side Output- Gives programmer access to (1) PWM high side output and (1) bang bang
high side valves.
System Heartbeat –
Controller emits a pulse at a regular interval. Sometimes used to acknowledge a module
is still online and communicating.
Universal Inputs –
These inputs can be configured for three types of inputs, Analog Input, RPM Pulse Input,
counter mode or digital input.
P/N: 021-00163, Rev. A.0 - for V5.2 Tools
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