Vaisala PTB220 User Manual
Page 62

56 ___________________________________________________________________ M210194
given in the calibration certificate together with a description of the
international pressure traceability chain.
In calibration laboratory conditions, the pressure readjustment of a
PTB220 series digital barometer is made by first deactivating the
linear and multipoint corrections using both the LC OFF and MPC
OFF commands. All fine adjustments are then cancelled and the
barometer reverts to use the factory set pressure and temperature
adjustment coefficients. By pre-calibrating the barometer over the
relevant pressure range, the user can define the corrections required
for readjustment. The user can select either a simple offset or a two-
point offset/gain readjustment and use the LCI command for this
purpose. The MPCI command is used for the more sophisticated
multipoint correction capability at up to eight pressure levels. When
the new linear and/or multipoint corrections have been entered to the
barometer, the corrections are activated with the LC ON and/or MPC
ON commands. Finally, the barometer can be calibrated to verify its
real accuracy.
In field conditions, a minor offset readjustment is usually all that is
needed. The user must first check what linear corrections the
barometer is currently using before he attempts to readjust the
barometer. As the previous linear corrections will disappear when new
linear corrections are input, the user has to take into account the
previous linear corrections when deciding about the new ones.
Calibration at one point at the prevailing pressure level finally verifies
that the readjustment has been done correctly.
Entering new linear or multipoint corrections will always cancel the
previous corrections. It is advisable to write down the previous linear
and multipoint corrections so that they will not be lost by mistake.
Entering new linear or multipoint corrections or changing their status
will also automatically cancel the valid date of calibration of the
barometer (see Chapter CALD command).
summarizes the adjustment and calibration commands. The
commands are not case sensitive.