Multi-thread function -18, Multi-thread function – HP XP20000XP24000 Disk Array User Manual

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Performing File Access Library (FAL) Operations

Hitachi USP V Cross-OS File Exchange User’s Guide

Multi-Thread Function

Specifications: FAL provides the following functions (C programming

Information storage area: dataset_AllocGlobal

Open a dataset specified by volume name and dataset name: dataset_Open

Read a record specified by dataset: dataset_Get/dataset_Get2

Write a record specified by dataset: dataset_Put/dataset_Put2

Close a specified dataset: dataset_Close

Free storage area: dataset_FreeGlobale

Return a file pointer to top: dataset_Rewind

Get a dataset attribute: dataset_GetFileInformation,
dataset_FindFirstFile, dataset_FindNextFile, dataset_FindClose

Programming Restrictions:

You cannot use FX from the Signal Handler.

The words listed below are reserved words. When the user creates a program
using FAL, these words cannot be used for function names, variable names,
symbol names, or constant names:




Do not mix the FX multi-thread function with user API for multi-thread and
user API for non-multi-thread.

This function is only applicable for AIX(32bit version) and Windows
NT/Windows 2000/Windows 2003.

You do not need a volume definition file when user uses API for multi-thread.

You can open multiple datasets simultaneously using multi-thread API:

data set_AllocGlobal: reserve an area for information of dataset “A”.

dataset_AllocGlobal : reserve an area for information of dataset “B”.

datset_Open: Open dataset “A”.

dataset_Open: Open dataset “B”.