Creating fcu parameter definition files (unix) -9, Creating fcu parameter definition files (unix) – HP XP20000XP24000 Disk Array User Manual
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Performing Cross-OS File Exchange Operations
Hitachi USP V Cross-OS File Exchange User’s Guide
Return value: 0 indicates normal end; 1 indicates error end. If an error
occurred, the error code and message are displayed and the error is logged in
the error log file.
Creating FCU Parameter Definition Files (UNIX)
To create an FCU parameter definition file using the FCU GUI for UNIX:
1. Start the FCU GUI for UNIX by entering fcu (see section Starting the FCU GUI
for UNIX). Do not specify the -nw, -nc, or param option.
2. When the FCU main panel opens (see section Performing File Transfer
Operations (UNIX)), enter the desired file name in the Parameter File field
(with complete path if you do not want to save the file in the current
3. If you plan to perform FX operations while you are creating the FCU
parameter definition file, make sure that the Volume File field displays the
correct FX volume definition file (datasetmount.dat). If not (or if incorrect),
FCU will not be able to perform FX operations, but you can still create a new
FCU parameter definition file.
4. Select the File-Load command to open the new file.
5. Enter the desired FCU initiation parameters for the first FX operation:
Select the file transfer direction using the M to O button or O to M
Enter the source and target files in the Input File and Output File fields
(VSN:dataset, filename with complete path if not in current directory).
Select the desired FCU file transfer options: Code Conversion, Padding,
Delimiter, Emp, RDW, and VSE. See section Performing File Transfer
Operations (UNIX) for further information on these options.
6. When the FCU initiation parameters are correct, select the File-Save
command to add this parameter set as the first line in the new FCU
parameter definition file. If the FX volume definition file is correct, you can
perform the operation now by clicking OK. If the OK button is not enabled,
the parameter set has not been saved in the file.
7. Select the File-Load command to load the next line. The Status field should
indicate that you are at the end of the file. The FCU GUI for UNIX only allows
you to add new lines when you are at the end of the file (right after the last
8. Repeat steps (5), (6), and (7) to add each parameter set to the new FCU
parameter definition file. Make sure to keep FX operations which use OPEN-x
FMT volumes in a separate FCU parameter definition file from operations
which use -A, -B, -C volumes.