Creating fcu parameter definition files (windows) – HP XP20000XP24000 Disk Array User Manual

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Performing Cross-OS File Exchange Operations


Hitachi USP V Cross-OS File Exchange User’s Guide

Creating FCU Parameter Definition Files (Windows)

To create an FCU parameter definition file using the FCU GUI for Windows
2000/2003/Windows NT systems:

1. Start the FCU GUI for Windows 2000/2003/Windows NT systems (see section

Starting the FCU GUI). If you start FCU from the DOS prompt, enter fcu (do
not specify the -nc or param option).

2. When the FCU main panel opens, the title bar should display Untitled to

indicate that a new parameter definition file is open. If a file name is

displayed instead of Untitled, use the File-New command (

) to open a

new parameter definition file.

3. If you plan to perform FX operations while you are creating the FCU

parameter definition file, open the Volume information panel (select View-
Volume information…
), and make sure that the desired FX volume(s)
is/are available. If not, FCU will not be able to perform FX operations, but you
can still create a new parameter definition file.