HP XP20000XP24000 Disk Array User Manual

Page 128

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Performing Cross-Os File Exchange Operations

Hitachi USP V Cross-OS File Exchange User’s Guide

The FCU GUI for UNIX -based platforms and the FCU GUI for Windows
2000/2003/Windows NT systems are significantly different. Section Performing

File Transfer Operations - UNIX describes and provides instructions for using
the FCU GUI for UNIX. Section Performing File Transfer Operations – Windows
describes and provides instructions for using the FCU GUI for Windows

2000/2003/Windows NT systems. For information on using FCU from the UNIX
command line (without the GUI), see Appendix B.

For information on using the FAL C functions (Visual C++


for Windows

2000/2003/Windows NT systems), which enable user programs on the open-
system host to access z/OS, datasets on FX volumes, see 0.