HP Smart Update Manager User Manual

Page 43

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Select one of the following:

Use current credentials (requires existing trust relationship with the node): This option
is for Windows nodes only.

Enter administrator credentials


Linux and HP-UX nodes allow you to use sudo credentials to deploy updates without
logging into the node with root credentials. To use sudo commands, you have to install
sudo capabilities on the node.


Super user and sudo are not available for all nodes.

If you want to use sudo, in the Access Level field, select one of the following:

Click Use sudo to update components if you want to use sudo credentials.

Click Enter super user credentials to update components if you want to enter super
user credentials.


If you are using super user credentials, enter normal user credentials in the

Credentials field, and then add super user credentials in the Access Level field. HP SUM
first logs in using the normal user credentials, and then uses the super user credentials to
log into the super user account.


Click Add.

To add a node by searching a range of IP addresses


Select Find nodes on network with an IP range.


Click Find Nodes.


Enter a range of IP addresses for HP SUM to search, and click Search.

Using the Switches screen