Troubleshooting the mapping path – HP XP P9500 Storage User Manual

Page 62

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Table 5 General troubleshooting for External Storage (continued)

Corrective action


The reason for the error could be as follows:

All the set paths are blocked (paths are not connected).

The attribute of external volume is not set to Read/ Write

The external volume is blocked by error.

A corresponding external volume was not found from the external
path with the highest priority.

“?” is displayed in the LUN ID(Highest Priority)
column of the Discovered External Volumes table.

Confirm the connection with the external storage system that has
failed in the volume discovery, and perform the operation again.

Confirm the detail of the error from the discovery result, and confirm
the connection with an external storage system and the setting of
the external storage system, and perform the operation again.

The external volume discovery process was not
completed because of failure.

Click Refresh View on the Remote Web Console main window. If
the device status remains as Checking even though you have

The Reconnect External Storage Systems command
or the Reconnect External Volumes command is

updated the information, execute the Reconnect External Storage

executed and you have waited more than 10

Systems command or the Reconnect External Volumes command

minutes, but the status of the device does not
change from Checking.

If the same problem persists despite retrying, call HP Technical

Click Refresh View on the Remote Web Console main window. If
the progress information about the Cache Destage status is not

The Disconnect External Storage Systems command
or the Disconnect External Volumes command is

updated even though you have updated the information, call HP
Technical Support.

executed, but the progress status information is
not updated.

The time required for the writing processing of data from the cache
to the external volume (destaging processing) depends on the
volume capacity (more time is required for the larger volume than
the smaller one). The processing speed is about 20 MB/s. However,
the processing speed depends on the performance and the status
of the external storage system.

The device status is currently changing. Wait for a few minutes and
then check the device status again. When the transition of the device

issued to the mainframe host as the device status.

status has completed normally, the device can be used immediately.
If the device is blocked as a result of the device status transition,
see the error description "The external volume is blocked." in

“General troubleshooting for External Storage” (page 61)

for the

corrective action.

See the error description "The external volume is blocked." in

“General troubleshooting for External Storage” (page 61)

for the

corrective action.

The message of “DEVICE ERROR” is issued to the
mainframe host as the device status.

Troubleshooting the mapping path

The following table describes the path statuses displayed in the Status column in the View External
LUN Properties window and the actions for them. The notes on connecting each storage system
as an external storage system are in

“Connecting external storage systems” (page 69)

. See


status and examples of recovery procedure (AMS/WMS)” (page 71)

for settings of connection

and examples of recovery procedure, and then take corrective actions.

