HP XP P9500 Storage User Manual
Page 106

Enter the CU number. The value that can be set ranges from 00 to FE. 00 is input by default.
Enter the LDEV ID. The value that can be set ranges from 00 to FF. 00 is input by default.
Specify the interval between LDEV IDs. The value that can be set ranges from 0 to 255. 0 is input
by default.
Displays the View LDEV IDs window.
Initial SSID
Enter the SSID. The value that can be set ranges from 0004 to FFFE. 0004 is input by default.
View SSIDs
Displays the View SSIDs window.
Base Emulation Type
Select the emulation type of the mapped external volume from the list. The value that can be selected
is all supported emulation types except OPEN-L. OPEN-V is selected by default.
Number Of LDEVs per External Volumes
Enter the maximum number of LDEVs to be created in the external volume. The number of LDEVs
to be created actually depends on the selection of Base Emulation Type and the capacity of the
external volume.
Cache Partition
Select CLPR used for accessing to the mapped external volume from the list. The value that can be
selected ranges from CLPR0 to CLPR31. CLPR0 is selected by default.
Cache Mode
Cache mode specifies if the write data from the host is propagated synchronously (Disable) or
asynchronously (Enable) to the external storage system. Data that is not written by the host (for
example, data written by Business Copy) is asynchronously destaged to the external storage system
regardless of the Cache Mode setting.
If you set Disable, the bind mode of Cache Residency cannot be set.
Disable is selected by default.
Inflow Control
Inflow Control specifies if the writing operation to the cache memory is stopped (Enable) or continued
(Disable) when the writing operation to the external volume is impossible.
Disable is selected by default.
Processor Blade
Select the processor blade. The value that can be selected ranges from MPB0 to MPB7. Auto can
be selected when there is a processor blade which can be assigned automatically.
Auto is selected by default when Auto can be selected. The processor blade with the youngest
number is selected by default when Auto cannot be selected.
106 External Storage GUI reference