HP Designjet Z6100 Printer series User Manual
Page 232

top of print 156
warped lines 153
wood-grain appearance 161
printer does not print 173
printer software
Mac OS uninstall 19
Windows uninstall 15
printer's main components 4
printer's main features 4
about 57
align 169
aligning 71
cannot insert 168
clean; purge 168
cleaning 66
cleaning connections 67
inserting 64
ordering 78
recovery 66
removing 61
reseat, reseat 168
specification 189
status 77
printhead cleaner
cannot insert 168
specification 189
Printhead status plot 71
profiling, accessory 113
refilling ink cartridges 57
regulatory notices 197
remove top/bottom blank
areas 87
rendering intent 116
reprint a job 96
resizing an image 83
resolution 189
restart the printer 22
roll paper
loading into the printer 32
loading onto the spindle 30
unloading 36
roller lubrication 175
rotating an image 85
rotation unexpected 160
safety precautions 2
urgent walk-in job 206
Select color emulation mode 88
select image orientation 87
shortcuts 89
sleep mode wait time 23
slow printing 173
small image 160
smudging 155
software 9
acoustic 192
ecological 191
environmental 191
functional 189
graphic languages 190
hard disk 191
ink supplies 189
margins 190
mechanical accuracy 190
memory 191
paper size 189
physical 190
power 191
print resolution 189
spectrophotometer 108
squeaky rollers 175
stacking problems in bin 165
ink cartridge 76
printer usage 77
status 97
stepped lines 150
store the printer 140
support services
HP Customer Care 183
HP Designjet Online 183,
HP Instant Support 183
supported papers 28
take-up reel
doesn't rewind 165
motor 7
using 38
telephone numbers 184
TIFF 102
turn the printer on/off 21
unintelligible print 161
unloading roll from printer 36
urgent walk-in job scenario 206
use the take-up reel 38
using this guide 2
Visio 2003, no output 177
warped lines 153
220 Index