Software updates – HP Remote Device Access Software User Manual
Page 41

$InputTCPServerRun 514
2. Add the following directive before the $FileOwner directive:
$FailOnChownFailure off
Save your changes and exit.
3. (Optional but Recommended) To direct incoming messages to files based on the sending host, create
a file in the /etc/rsyslog.d directory (sudo vi /etc/rsyslog.d/10-other-hosts.conf)
with the following contents:
$template DynFile,"/var/log/other/%HOSTNAME%.log"
:hostname, !startswith, "hp-rdacas" ?DynFile
& ~
Note: The last line is an ampersand, a space, and a tilde. Do not forget the space. If you
have changed your vCAS host name, use that host name instead of hp-rdacas.
4. Create the directory where you want to add the host specific files. Make sure this is writeable:
mkdir /var/log/other
chmod 755 /var/log/other
chown syslog:syslog /var/log/other
5. After editing the configuration files and creating your directory, restart rsyslog:
restart rsyslog
You should now be able to direct syslog messages from other system to your vCAS. Those
messages should appear in system specific files in the /var/log/other directory. Failure to make
this directory writeable will result in the off system log messages being co-mingled with the vCAS log
messages. Failure to perform step 2 may also cause co-mingled log messages.
Note: Configuring your other systems to send their logs to your vCAS is outside the scope
of this document. For more information, refer to the documentation for the particular logger
(s) you have on those systems.
Software Updates
You can manage software updates in the Software Updates dialog box. The Software Updates dialog box
contains the following sections:
Note: It is highly recommended that the tcp port 443 is open on the vCAS in order to be able to
connect to the HP RDA CAS Kit server to download updates. See "
Connectivity - Firewall/Port Requirements
" for further information. This is the only way you can
update your vCAS so if a critical patch is released and your vCAS is unable to connect to the
HP RDA CAS Kit server then you may need to reinstall.
HP Remote Device Access 8.1: vCAS User Guide
Page 41 of 65
Chapter 4: Managing your vCAS