Chapter 5: troubleshooting information, Test the virtual cas network check tool, Run the virtual cas network check tool – HP Remote Device Access Software User Manual

Page 47: Troubleshooting information

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Chapter 5: Troubleshooting Information

This chapter contains troubleshooting information. Read this chapter to learn more about common
problems and actions.

Test the Virtual CAS Network Check Tool

The Virtual CAS Network Check Tool checks connectivity between the Virtual CAS and other elements in
the network. Any user can run the tool and it does not require any privileges.

The following table shows the checks the tool performs:



Network Settings

Verifies that the IP address and default router are on the same network
and that the current running settings (IP address, netmask, default
gateway) match the saved configuration settings (for example, those in


Default Router

Probes the default router with arping.

Checking the DNS

Verifies that the DNS servers are reachable by probing with ping. If that
fails, then it verifies with netcat.


Verifies that the targets behind the CAS are reachable. A warning
displays if:

1. Access is closed

2. Access is open

3. Access is not restricted to specific targets. For example, users can

connect to any host behind the CAS.


Verifies that the HP Repository Server URL is accessible.

Web Proxy

Verifies that the web proxy is reachable.

Certificate Revoke List

Verifies that the Virtual CAS can reach the VeriSign website. If CRL
checking is turned off, a warning displays.

Run the Virtual CAS Network Check Tool

To run the tool, enter the following:


The following is a sample of the output:

Checking network configuration.........................................[OK]

Checking if the default router is reachable............................[OK]

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HP Remote Device Access 8.1: vCAS User Guide