To display the format of the set operation -30 – HP XP Racks User Manual
Page 236
You an specify a decimal (base 10) value from 0 to 999999. The default is
If you specify 0, the same path is used as long as the sequential I/O
operations continue.
-dpc {on|off} [-pathid path-ID -lu | -pathid path-ID -storage]
Enables or disables the dynamic I/O path control function for each
storage system or LU. The default value is "off".
on: Enabled
off: Disabled
-pathid path-ID -lu
Sets the dynamic I/O path control function to enabled or disabled for
each LU. Specify one of the IDs of the paths connected to the target
-pathid path-ID -storage
Sets the dynamic I/O path control function to enabled or disabled for
each storage system. Specify one of the IDs of the paths connected to
the target storage system.
If the -pathid parameter is not specified, the setting is performed for
each system, and the setting for each storage system or LU is cleared.
-dpcintvl checking-interval
Specifies the checking interval (in minutes) for reviewing information
about switching of controllers performed by the storage system which is
used in the dynamic I/O path control function. Specify a value in the
range from 1 to 1440. The default value is "10".
Executes the command without displaying the message asking for
confirmation of command execution from the user. Specify this parameter
if you want to skip the response to the confirmation message: for
example, when you want to execute the command in a shell script or
batch file.
To Display the Format of the Set Operation
Displays the format of the set operation.
The following example shows how to display the format of the set
# /usr/DynamicLinkManager/bin/dlnkmgr set -help
dlnkmgr set { -lb on [ -lbtype { rr | exrr | lio | exlio
| lbk | exlbk } ]
| -lb off
| -ellv ElogLevel
| -elfs ElogFileSize
Command Reference
Hitachi Dynamic Link Manager User Guide for AIX®