HP XP Racks User Manual

Page 233

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KAPL01049-I Would you like to execute the operation?

Operation name = set [y/n]: y

KAPL01001-I The HDLM command completed normally. Operation

name = set, completion time = yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss



Specify this option for when a license is updated. The HDLM license is

provided via a license key or license key file. A license key file is a file

that stores the HDLM license key.

If a license key file is provided:

Store the license key file named hdlm_license directly under /var/
tmp, and then execute the set -lic operation. A message confirming

that the license key has been registered is displayed, depending on

the license key type defined in the license key file. When a temporary

license key or emergency license key has been registered, the

expiration period is displayed (KAPL01071-I, KAPL01072-I).

If a license key is provided:

When the set -lic operation is executed, a message (KAPL01068-I)

asking the user to enter a license key appears. Enter the license key.

A message confirming that the license key has been registered is

displayed, depending on the license key type described in the license

key file. When a temporary license key or emergency license key, the

expiration period is also displayed (KAPL01071-I, KAPL01072-I).

The following table lists and describes the license key types.

Table 6-6 License Key Types



Permanent license key

Permanent licenses are valid for using HDLM permanently.

Temporary license key


Temporary license key are used temporarily, for example,

when a user needs to perform product evaluations.

Temporary licenses keys are valid for 120 days after the

installation. You cannot reuse a temporary license key.

Emergency license key

Emergency license keys are used temporarily, for example,

when waiting for issuing a permanent license key to be

issued. Emergency licenses keys are valid for 30 days after

they are entered. You cannot reuse an emergency license



A temporary license key cannot be installed by using the dlnkmgr set


Example 1

The following example shows how to update the license key when the

license key file exists:

# /usr/DynamicLinkManager/bin/dlnkmgr set -lic

Command Reference


Hitachi Dynamic Link Manager User Guide for AIX®

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