Positioning the cursor, Vertical positioning – Brother HL-2170W User Manual
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Positioning the cursor
You can position the cursor anywhere on the logical page. In addition, the cursor position is automatically
changed when text or graphics are printed. You can either position the cursor using absolute PCL coordinate
values or position it relative to the current cursor position, using dots, decipoints or rows and columns as units.
In case of using dots, the units value is defined by the ESC & u # d command. The commands for positioning
the cursor are listed below.
Vertical positioning
Vertical cursor positioning - rows
Esc&a#R (27)(38)(97)#(82)
# = number of rows
A plus or minus sign preceding the number of rows parameter indicates that the cursor is to be positioned
relative to its current position. A signed positive parameter value signifies that the cursor is to be
repositioned vertically downwards on the page, a negative value means that it will be moved upwards.
An unsigned number as the parameter signifies that the vertical repositioning is absolute - the cursor will be
repositioned the specified number of rows below the top margin, the PCL coordinate system's x-axis.
The parameter value can have up to two decimal places.
The cursor's horizontal position remains unchanged.
If you attempt to move the cursor to a position that is outside the boundaries of the logical page, the cursor
will be positioned at either the top or bottom of the logical page as appropriate.
Vertical cursor positioning - units
Esc*p#Y (27)(42)(112)#(89)
# = number of units
Units value is defined by the Esc & u # D command.
A plus or minus sign preceding the number of dots parameter indicates that the cursor is to be positioned
relative to its current position. A signed positive parameter value signifies that the cursor is to be
repositioned vertically downwards on the page, a negative value means that it will be moved upwards.
An unsigned number as the parameter signifies that the vertical repositioning is absolute - the cursor will be
repositioned the specified number of dots below the top margin, the PCL coordinate system's x-axis.
The cursor's horizontal position remains unchanged.
If you attempt to move the cursor to a position that is outside the boundaries of the logical page, the cursor
will be positioned at either the top or bottom of the logical page as appropriate.
Vertical cursor positioning - decipoints
Esc&a#V (27)(38)(97)#(86)
# = number of decipoints in 1/720"
A plus or minus sign preceding the number of decipoints parameter indicates that the cursor is to be
positioned relative to its current position. A signed positive parameter value signifies that the cursor is to be
repositioned vertically downwards on the page, a negative value means that it will be moved upwards.
An unsigned number as the parameter signifies that the vertical repositioning is absolute - the cursor will be
repositioned the specified number of decipoints below the top margin, the PCL coordinate system's x-axis.
The cursor's horizontal position remains unchanged.
If you attempt to move the cursor to a position that is outside the boundaries of the logical page, the cursor
will be positioned at either the top or bottom of the logical page as appropriate.
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