Brother HL-2170W User Manual
Page 360
Plotting is performed only when the pen is down.
When the pen is up, plotting is not performed but the cursor position moves to the plot end point.
When scaling has been performed, the cursor is moved by relative coordinates in user units.
Also, when scaling has been performed, the values for X and Y are real numbers.
When there is no scaling, the cursor is moved by relative coordinates in graphics units.
When there is no scaling, the coordinate values for X and Y are integer numbers.
The value for qc is a clamped real number.
When qc is positive, counterclockwise plotting from the current point is performed.
When qc is negative, plotting is made clockwise from the current position.
The value for qd is a clamped real number.
When qd is not specified, the chord angle is the default value ( 5 degrees ).
10 '*** AREX1 ***
20 LPRINT "IN;SP1;IP2650,1325,7650,6325;"
30 LPRINT "SC-100,100,-100,100;"
40 LPRINT "PA-80,-80;PD;AR0,50,90;AR50,0,90;PU;"
50 END
10 ' *** AREX2 ***
20 LPRINT "IN;SP1;IP2650,1325,7650,6325;"
30 LPRINT "SC-100,100,-100,100;"
40 LPRINT "PA-100,70;PD;PR30,0;AR-,-70,-90;AR70,0,90;PR60,0;PU;"
50 END
100 END
CI - Circle plot
CI r(, qd)[;]
r : Radius of circle ( in user units or graphic units )
qd : Chord angle ( in degrees )
Plots a circle centred on the current position with a radius r and chord angle qd.
After plotting, the cursor returns to its point of origin at the centre of the circle.
Plotting is performed whether the pen is up or down.
When scaling has been performed, the circle is plotted in user units.
Also, when scaling has been performed, the value for r is a real number.
When scaling is off, the circle is plotted in graphics units.
When there is no scaling, the coordinate value for r is an integer number.
When qd is not specified, the chord angle is the default value (5 degrees).
Current position
Chord angle
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