Brother HL-2170W User Manual
Page 328
Line spacing and tabs
Set 1/8" line spacing
Esc0 (27)(48)
This command sets the line spacing to 1/8". All subsequent line feed operations will move the print
position 1/8" down the page.
LPRINT CHR$(27); CHR$(48); 'Set line spacing to 1/8".
Set 7/72" line spacing
Esc1 (27)(48)
This command sets the line spacing to 7/72". All subsequent line feed operations will move the print
position 7/72" down the page.
Since the printer's resolution is 600 dots per inch the line spacing will not be exactly 7/72".
LPRINT CHR$(27); CHR$(49); 'Set line spacing to 7/72".
Save n/72" line spacing
EscAn (27)(65)n
This command allows you to select a line spacing of n/72". Your selection does not take effect until
you activate it with the Esc 2 command.
Since the printer's resolution is 600 dots per inch the line spacing may not be exactly n/72".
n must be in the range 1 to 85.
If n is outside the range 1 to 85 the default line spacing, 1/6" is selected.
LPRINT CHR$(27); CHR$(65); CHR$(10); 'Select line spacing of 10/72".
Activate n/72" line spacing
Esc2 (27)(50)
This command allows you to activate the line spacing setting you specified with the Esc A command.
LPRINT CHR$(27); CHR$(50); 'Activate selected line spacing of n/72".
Set n/216" line spacing
Esc3n (27)(51)n
This command sets the line spacing to n/216". All subsequent line feed operations will move the print
position n/216" down the page.
Since the printer's resolution is 600 dots per inch the line spacing may not be exactly n/216".
n must be in the range 1 to 255.
LPRINT CHR$(27); CHR$(51); CHR$(25); 'Select line spacing of 25/216".
Execute n/216" line spacing
EscJn (27)(74)n
This command moves the print position one line down the page using a line spacing of n/216".
The existing line space setting is not affected.
LPRINT CHR$(27); CHR$(50); CHR$(30); 'Move print position down 30/216".
- HL-1670N HL-6050D HL 5250DN HL-5070N HL-2460 HL-6050DN HL-2150N HL 2700CN HL-2130 HL-S7000DN HL-3040CN HL 1650 HL-6050 HL-5240 HL-5240L HL-1470N HL 3070CW HL 5170DN HL-3450CN HL-3140CW HL 5470DW HL-5140 HL-5440D HL-7050 HL-2240 HL-5040 HL-4070CDW HL-1870N HL-1110 HL-1850 HL 4150CDN HL-8050N HL 5450DN HL 5370DW HL-5050 HL-2140 HL 1270N HL-2600CN HL-6180DW HL-5350DN HL-4050CDN HL-2070N HL-3260N HL-5150D HL-5280DW HL-3170CDW HL-4570CDW HL-3150CDW HL 4040CN HL-4140CN HL 2240D HL 2270DW HL-1250 HL-7050N HL 5340D HL-2250DN HL-1450 HL-L9200CDWT HL-1112 HL-5270DN HL-5450DNT HL-L8250CDN HL 4570CDWT HL-5380DN HL-6180DWT HL-L8350CDW HL-4040CDN HL-L8350CDWT HL-2230 HL-5470DWT HL 2220 HL-1110E HL-1112E