2 time interval accuracy, 3 display program option, 2 running a program – KEPCO ATE-DMG SERIES User Manual
Page 49: 3 stepping through a program, 4 cycling a program, Time interval accuracy -15, Display program option -15, Running a program -15, Stepping through a program -15, Cycling a program -15

ATE-DMG 042314
The accuracy of the time interval is ±2.5%. For setting time intervals from 0.01 to 2.50 seconds,
the unit will accept times that are accurate to 0.01 second. (e.g., 2.49 seconds). For setting time
intervals between 2.50 seconds and 50 seconds the second decimal place is ignored, providing
accuracy to 0.1 second (e.g., entering 2.79 is accepted as 2.7). When the time interval is greater
than 50 seconds, the decimal is ignored and the time increment is in full seconds. DISPLAY PROGRAM OPTION
When running a program, if the Display Program option is on, the LCD will display the mode
(Loc/Rem RunPg CV/CC) and active voltage and current values (programmed). if the Display
Program option is turned off, the LCD displays the message **PROGRAM RUNNING**. Since
the accuracy of the time intervals is affected by whether this option is on or off, it is recom-
mended that this option be turned off when accurate time intervals are important; otherwise this
option should be turned on.
With the power supply in command entry status , press MENU key 11 times. The LCD top line
reads DispPrg
or OFF. Choosing ON displays the programmed values, choosing OFF
displays the **PROGRAM RUNNING** message. Press ENTER or CLEAR to exit without
changing setting. Enter 0 (OFF) or 1 (ON) and press ENTER or CLEAR to menu.
With the power supply in command entry status , press RUN key. The LCD bottom line indi-
cates the start address of the program. Press ENTER key to run the program starting with that
address. To change the starting address, enter new value and press ENTER to run the program.
Press CLEAR to exit without running the program
The STEP function is useful for examining a program that has just been created or edited before
running in real-time. With the power supply in command entry status , press STEP key. The
LCD bottom line indicates the start address of the program; press ENTER to begin stepping at
that address. To change the starting address, enter new value and press ENTER to begin step-
ping at the new address, press CLEAR to exit without stepping through the program.
The LCD top line shows LOC to indicate local mode, aa
bb where aa is the memory location
just executed, bb is the NEXT STEP location, and shows CV (constant voltage) or CC (constant
current) to indicate the actual operating mode. The LCD bottom line shows the output voltage
and current measurements for the location just executed, and indicates command status.
Press STEP to execute location bb. The LCD will again display the location just executed, volt-
age and current measurements, and the NEXT STEP location. Continue to press STEP to exe-
cute the program one step at a time, or press CLEAR to exit Step function.
To cycle a program, modify the program (see PAR. ) and go to the last memory location to be
executed and set the NEXT STEP address to the Starting address, causing the program to loop
and repeat indefinitely. For example, if the last location is 14, and the starting location is 05,
press EDIT PROG, enter 14, then press ENTER. Press
until LCD reads ViewVAL Mem14