Deleting tests, On the next, Deleting – In-Situ Win-Situ 4 / Pocket-Situ 4 Operators Manual User Manual

Page 55: Tests

background image


0031510 rev. 003 11/04


Win-Situ \ Data \ SN00120 2004-06-18 083000 drawdown.bin

Device serial number

Test start date (yyyy-mm-dd)

Test start time (hhmmss)

Test name

TIP: Win-Situ saves each test to a folder named “Data” in the
folder where Win-Situ is installed. The file structure looks like

File type

TIP: On a PDA, the Pocket-Situ \ Data folder is located
in the device’s non-volatile storage.


Tests are stored in the device memory until you delete them. The Delete
operation permanently removes selected tests from the device, and
reorganizes the memory to optimize future data storage. Depending on
how full the memory is, the process may take several minutes.

1. In the Navigation tree, click or tap Tests.

2. In the Information pane, select one or more tests to delete. To select

multiple tests, hold the CTRL key while selecting. (To display the CTRL
key on the Pocket PC, tap the keyboard symbol in the Command bar.)

3. Click or tap Delete. You will be asked to confirm your selection.

4. After you confirm, the selected test(s) are permanently removed from

the device and the display is updated.

sure to extract the
tests you want to

save before deleting them
from the device. Once a
test is deleted, the data
cannot be retrieved!

TIP: The Delete
procedure can be
used to cancel a

pending scheduled

TIP:If a test is
running in the
device, the Delete

button is not available. You
must stop the running test
before tests can be deleted.
See “Stopping a Test”