In-Situ Win-Situ 4 / Pocket-Situ 4 Operators Manual User Manual
Page 43

0031510 rev. 003 11/04
Profiler readings from a pressure channel are displayed as pressure head
or depth according to the pressure channel setup. Refer to Section 5 for
pressure display and conversion options. Level mode readings with a
user-entered reference are primarily for use in long-term tests.
Changing the Channel Order
The arrow below each profiler reading displays a drop-down list that may
be used to assign a different channel to each position, if desired.
Changing Measurement Units
Close the Profiler. In Win-Situ, select Preferences on the Options menu. In
Pocket-Situ, select the Home site, then tap Setup in the command bar.
Changing the Sample Rate
Close the Profiler. In Win-Situ, select Preferences on the Options menu,
then select the Settings tab. In Pocket-Situ, select the Home site, tap
Setup in the command bar, then select the Settings tab. You may select
any sample rate between 2 and 60 seconds.
Starting in Profiler Mode
In Win-Situ, select Preferences on the Options menu, then select the
Settings tab. In Pocket-Situ, select the Home site, tap Setup in the
command bar, then select the Settings tab. Check
Start application in
Profiler mode. This will take effect at your next session (or exit and re-start
to apply this setting).
TIP: Profiling with
the device’s default
pressure settings
(no channel setup) will
display pressure head in psi
(pounds per square inch).