Extracting logged data, Information on – In-Situ Win-Situ 4 / Pocket-Situ 4 Operators Manual User Manual
Page 54

0031510 rev. 003 11/04
Retrieving, downloading, uploading, transferring—these terms are
sometimes used interchangeably to mean the act of copying data from the
place where it was logged to a host PC. The Extract operation in Win-Situ
or Pocket-Situ retrieves test data from the device memory and saves it to
a file on the host computer. You may view the file immediately after the
download, or later.
1. In the Navigation tree, click or tap Tests.
2. In the Information pane, select one or more tests to extract. To select
multiple tests, hold the CTRL key while selecting. (To display the CTRL
key on a PDA, tap the keyboard symbol in the Command bar.)
3. Click or tap Extract to extract the test(s).
When the extraction is complete, the name(s) and locations of the test
data file(s) on the host computer are displayed (see
page). If a selected test has been extracted previously, only data
logged since the last download is extracted and is automatically
appended to the original file.
The software presents two options after the extraction:
• View launches the data viewer to view the selected file.
• Done returns to the Tests view in the software.
TIP: “Extracting”
puts a copy of a
test data file on
your computer, but does not
delete the data from the
device. To free up device
memory, see
TIP: When
extracting a large
test to a PDA on
battery power, don’t let the
PDA time out during the
transfer. To locate this
setting in most PDAs,
display the Start menu,
select Settings, System tab,
TIP: If your host computer is a PDA, be sure to install
Microsoft ActiveSync and In-SItu’s PocketSync on your
desktop PC to enable the transfer of data files to the desktop
PC for processing or archiving.