Displaying gslb resources – Brocade Virtual ADX Global Server Load Balancing Guide (Supporting ADX v03.1.00) User Manual

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Brocade Virtual ADX Global Server Load Balancing Guide



Displaying GSLB information


Displaying GSLB resources

For GSLB parameters, you can display the number of currently configured items and the maximum
number of items you can configure on the ADX device. To display this information, use the following
CLI method.

To display GSLB resource information, enter the following command at any level of the CLI.

The values in the Current column indicate how many of each GSLB configuration or data item are
currently on the GSLB ADX device. The values in the Maximum column list the maximum number of
each item the GSLB ADX device can hold.

Syntax: show gslb resources

This command shows the following information.

Virtual ADX#show gslb resources

GSLB resource usage:

Current Maximum

sites 1 128

SIs 1 200

SIs' VIPs 0 2048

dns zones 1 1000

dns hosts 0 1000

health-checks app. 0 1000

dns IP addrs. 0 2048

affinities 0 1024

affinity groups 0 128

static prefixes 0 250

RTT entries 0 10000

GSLB host policies 0 100

IPv4 Statistics Current Maximum

user geo prefixes 0 512

prefix cache 108 11786

IPv6 Statistics Current Maximum

user geo prefixes 0 512

prefix cache 35 11786

Health check Current Maximum

VIPs 0 32

Reals 0 256