Program mode – Watlow MINICHEF 2000 User Manual

Page 54

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D e f i n i t i o n s o f F u n c t i o n s , P a r a m e t e r s a n d Va l u e s

H a r d w a r e & S o f t w a r e S e t u p G u i d e

Wa t l o w M




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Program Mode

[m``1] Menu Number
The number of the menu to program.
Range: 1 - x (The total number of menus depends on the application.) Default: 1

[stpt1] Set Point 1
This is the first cook set point temperature.
Range: Minimum and maximum temperatures programmed in the Configuration Mode
Default: range low

[tinE1] Time
This is the first cook time.
Range: depends upon time format, other time settings, and end application Default: 0

[Fan`1] Fan
This is the first fan setting.
Range: On, OFF, Lo, Hi Default: OFF

[StPt2] Set Point 2
This is the second cook set point temperature.
Range: range low to range high Default: range low

[tinE2] Time 2
This is the second cook time.
Range: depends upon time format, other time settings, and end application Default: 0

[Fan`2] Fan 2
This is the second fan setting.
Range: On, OFF, Lo, Hi Default: OFF

[ProbE] Probe
This turns the meat/food probe on or off for the current menu.
Range: On or OFF Default: OFF

[PtenP] Probe Temperature
This is the probe temperature setting.
Range: range low to range high Default: range low

[HStPt] Hold Set Point
This is the hold setpoint temperature.
Range: range low to range high Default: range low

[HtinE] Hold Time
This is the hold time.
Range: depends upon time format, other time settings, and end application. Default: 0

[H`Fan] Hold Fan
This is the hold fan setting.
Range: [```on], [``OFF], [```Lo], [```Hi] Default: [``OFF]