Watlow MINICHEF 2000 User Manual
Page 46
D e f i n i t i o n s o f F u n c t i o n s , P a r a m e t e r s a n d Va l u e s
H a r d w a r e & S o f t w a r e S e t u p G u i d e
Wa t l o w M
2 0 0 0
4 5
[idLE2] Idle Temperature Number 2
This is the effective setpoint when you press the idle two key. This idle setpoint can
only be regulated to during the idle state.
Range: temp range low - range high Default: temperature range low
[Melt] Oil Melt Cycle
Turns the melt feature on or off. This feature will allow the heaters to come on at only
10% power when the temperature is below 212°F. This is visible on all deepfat fryer
Range: [[`
`on], [``Off] Default: [[`
[Fan``] Fan Speed
This selects the fan type, either 1 speed, on/off, or two speed, off/lo/hi. This prompt is
visible on convection ovens with a fan.
Range: 1-speed, 2-speed Default: 1-speed
[delay] Fan Delay Time
Selects the amount of time in minutes, after completion of a menu, that the fan will
remain on for system cooling. This prompt is visible on convection ovens with a fan.
Range: 0 - 120 minutes Default: 0 minutes
[setpt] Set Point Temperature
Set point that the control will regulate to at all times. Visible on applications that have
one setpoint for all menus.
Range: [[`
`TrLo] to [`TrHi] Default: [`TrLo]
[t`OUt] Timer Output 4
Selects if event output will turn on while time is running. Visible on manual applica-
tions with output 4 available
Range: [[`
`Yes], [```no] Default: [```no]
[steps] Number of Cooking Steps
Selects number of steps in the menu. Visible on manual applications with two possible
Range: 1, 2 Default: 1
[probe] Probe
Selects if application will use a meat/food temperature probe to measure temperature,
initiated by a press of the probe key. Visible on rotisserie applications.
Range: [[`
`Yes], [```no] Default: [```no]
[setUp] Setup Function
Sets up control for hardware and operating parameters
[`З_П`] Temperature Display Format
Selects the units of temperature measurement, either Fahrenheit or Centigrade. This
parameter appears only when the selected application software set uses at least one
temperature input or output.
Range: [````C], [````f] Default: [````F]