Watlow MINICHEF 2000 User Manual
Page 52
D e f i n i t i o n s o f F u n c t i o n s , P a r a m e t e r s a n d Va l u e s
H a r d w a r e & S o f t w a r e S e t u p G u i d e
Wa t l o w M
2 0 0 0
5 1
[`diag] WatHelp Diagnostics Function
Allows the viewing of information that is useful when servicing or troubleshooting the system.
[date`] Date-of-Manufacture Code
Shows the manufactured date code of the controller.
Cannot be changed.
[ser`n] Serial Number
Shows the serial number of the controller.
Cannot be changed.
[Part1] Part Number 1
Shows the first four characters of the controller part number.
Cannot be changed.
[Part2] Part Number 2
Shows the second four characters of the controller part number.
Cannot be changed.
[Part3] Part Number 3
Shows the third four characters of the controller part number.
Cannot be changed.
[s`reU] Software Revision Number
Displays the software revision number for the controller.
Cannot be changed.
[APPl`] Application
Displays the application software set for the control.
Range: 1-28 Default: 20
[idEnt] Key Function Identification.
Setting to [``YES] will activate a review of the function of the keys. The key indicators
will light and the corresponding key function will appear in the display.
Range: Yes, no
[*•*••] Display Test
Lights up all display and individual LED`s for verification that they work properly.
Visual test only. Cannot be changed.
[OutPt] Output Test
To assist in system troubleshooting, forces on each output for verification that all out-
puts work. Outputs return to normal when [OutPt] parameter is set to[____O] or the
user exits the [OutPt] test.
Range: 0-6 Default: 0
0=all outputs are in a normal state
1=only Output 1 is on
2=only Output 2 is on
3=only Event Output 1 is on
4=only Event Output 2 is on
5=only Output 5 is on
6=all outputs are on