Watlow MINICHEF 2000 User Manual
Page 49
D e f i n i t i o n s o f F u n c t i o n s , P a r a m e t e r s a n d Va l u e s
4 8
Wa t l o w M
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H a r d w a r e & S o f t w a r e S e t u p G u i d e
[aldl1] Low Deviation Alarm, Channel 1
Sets a relative low deviation temperature alarm. A low deviation alarm occurs when the
input 1 temperature (including offset) is below set point minus this setting. This param-
eter only appears when the selected application software set uses temperature input 1
and [al``1] is set to either [``deu] or [`both].
Range: -999 to 0ºF (-555 to 0ºC) Default: -999ºF (-555ºC)
[aLdH1] High Deviation Alarm, Channel 1
Sets a relative high deviation temperature alarm setting. A high deviation alarm occurs
when the input 1 temperature (including offset) is above setpoint plus this setting. This
parameter only appears when the selected application software set uses temperature
input 1 and [al``1] is set to either [``deu] or [`both].
Range: 0 to 999ºF (0 to 555ºC) Default: 999ºF (555ºC)
[al``2] Alarm, Channel 2
Selects the type of temperature alarm associated with input 2. This parameter only
appears when the selected application software set uses temperature input 2.
Range: [`none], [``deu], [`Proc], [`both] Default: [`none]
[al`p2] Absolute Process Alarm, Channel 2
Sets an absolute process alarm temperature setting. A process alarm occurs when the
input 2 temperature (including offset) is above this setting. This parameter only
appears when the selected application software set uses temperature input 2 and
[al``2] is set to either [`proc] or [`both].
Range: 100 to 1200ºF (38 to 649ºC) Default: 1200ºF(649ºC)
[aldL2] Low Deviation Alarm, Channel 2
Sets a relative low deviation temperature alarm setting. A low deviation alarm occurs
when the input 2 temperature (including offset) is below set point minus this setting.
This parameter only appears when the selected application software set uses tempera-
ture input 2 and [al``2] is set to either [``deu] or [`both].
Range: -999 to 0ºF (-555 to 0ºC) Default: -999ºF (-555ºC)
[ALdH2] High Deviation Alarm, Channel 2
Sets a relative high deviation temperature alarm setting. A high deviation alarm occurs
when the input 2 temperature (including offset) is above set point plus this setting. This
parameter only appears when the selected application software set uses temperature
input 2 and [al``2] is set to either [``deu] or [`both].
Range: 0 to 999º F (0 to 555º C) Default: 999º F (555º C)
[tHerl] Thermal Function
Configures control heat functions
[type`] Temperature Control Type.
Selects the heat control algorithm. On/Off control uses a hysteresis as a switching point.
PID control uses a combination of proportion, integral and derivative values to deter-
mine percentage of output power. This parameter only appears when the selected appli-
cation software set uses at least one temperature output.
Range: [``pid], [onOff] Default: [onOff]
Setup Function, continued