Definitions of functions, parameters and values, Configuration mode – Watlow MINICHEF 2000 User Manual
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D e f i n i t i o n s o f F u n c t i o n s , P a r a m e t e r s a n d Va l u e s
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Wa t l o w M
2 0 0 0
H a r d w a r e & S o f t w a r e S e t u p G u i d e
Definitions of Functions, Parameters and Values
Configuration Mode
[etype] Equipment Type Function
Configures control for application and sounds.
[APPl`] Application Number
Selects the application software set for the controller.
Range: 1-20 Default: 20
[a_Loc] Application Number Security Lock
Choose between [``yes] and [```no] to lock the Application Number. When [a_Loc]
is set to [``yes], the Application Number is not adjustable.
Range: [``yes], [```no] Default: [```no]
[Ptine] Pressure Release Time
Sets the number of seconds before the completion of a menu when the pressure output
is released.
Range: 1-120 sec. Default: 60
[Sound]] Audible Alarm Sound
Type of audible alarm that will sound at the completion of a menu cycle or at the end of
a hold cycle.
Range: 0-5 Default: 0
0 = no alarm sound at the end of menu
1 = alarm sounded for 2 seconds
2 = alarm sound alternatives on/off every second for 20 seconds
3 = 3 short beeps followed by 1 second off, this cycle repeats itself for 20 seconds
4 = alarm sounds on/off every second continuously
5 = alarm is on solid, continuously
Note: All alarms can be silenced by pressing the appropriate key once.
[btine] Basket Travel Time
This is the number of seconds that the output for basket lift/drop will be on. This
prompt is only visible on applications with automatic basket lift.
Range: 0 - 30 seconds Default: 2 seconds
[preHT] Preheat Temperature
The temperature that the control will preheat to upon power-up. This prompt is only
visible on some deep fat fryer applications.
Range: temp range low - range high Default: temperature range low
[idLE1] Idle Temperature Number 1
This is the effective setpoint when you press the idle one key. This idle setpoint can only
be regulated to during the idle state.
Range: temp range low - range high Default: temperature range low