Watlow MINICHEF 2000 User Manual
Page 50
D e f i n i t i o n s o f F u n c t i o n s , P a r a m e t e r s a n d Va l u e s
H a r d w a r e & S o f t w a r e S e t u p G u i d e
Wa t l o w M
2 0 0 0
4 9
[HySt1] Channel 1 Hysteresis
Sets the relative switching hysteresis size for output 1. This parameter only appears
when the selected application software set uses a temperature output from channel 1
and [type`] is set to [onOFF].
Range: 1 to 99ºF / 1 to 55ºC Default: 3ºF / 2ºC
[HySt2] Channel 2 Hysteresis
Sets the relative switching hysteresis size for output 1. This parameter only appears
when the selected application software set uses a temperature output from channel 1
and [type`] is set to [onOFF].
Range: 1 to 99ºF (1 to 55ºC) Default: 3ºF (2ºC)
[Pid`U] Units
Selects the PID in US or SI (System International or metric) units.
Range: [```Si], [```US] Default: [[`
[tune1] Channel 1 Auto-tune
Initiates the auto-tuning feature for output 1. This parameter only appears when the
selected application software set uses a temperature output from channel 1 and
[type`] is set to [``Pid].
Range: [```0n], [``OFF] Default: [``OFF]
[tune2] Channel 2 Auto-tune
Initiates the auto-tuning feature for output 2. This parameter only appears when the
selected application software set uses a temperature output from channel 2 and
[type`] is set to [``Pid].
Range: [```0n], [``OFF] Default: [``OFF]
[Prop1] Channel 1 Proportional Band
Sets the proportional band for output 1. This parameter only appears when the selected
application software set uses a temperature output from channel 1 and [type`] is set
to [``Pid].
Range: 1 to 999ºF (1 to 555ºC) Default: 25ºF (14ºC)
[rSet1] Channel 1 Reset
Sets the reset (integral) gain for output 1. A value of 0.00 shuts reset off. This parame-
ter only appears when the selected application software set uses a temperature output
from channel 1 and [type`] is set to [``Pid] and [Pid`U] is set to [```US].
Range: 0.00 to 9.99 repeats / minute Default: 0.00 repeats / minute
[int`1] Channel 1 Integer
Sets the integral gain for output 1. A value of 0.00 shuts the integral off. This parame-
ter only appears when the selected application software set uses a temperature output
from channel 1 and [type`] is set to [``Pid] and [Pid`U] is set to [```si].
Range: 0.00 to 99.99 minutes / repeat Default: 0.00 minutes / repeat
[rate1] Channel 1 Rate
Sets the rate (derivative) gain for output 1. A value of 0.00 shuts the rate off. This
parameter only appears when the selected application software set uses temperature
output 1 and [type`] is set to [``Pid] and [Pid`U] is set to [```US].
Range: 0.00 to 9.99 minutes Default: 0.00 minutes