T/c failure detection flags (78), Channel name (78), Restore pid digital input (79) – Watlow CLS200, MLS300 and CAS200 User Manual

Page 78: Manufacturing test (80)

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72 Communications Specification

Chapter 3: Controller Parameter Descriptions

T/C Failure Detection Flags (78)

This parameter determines the thermocouple failure detection scheme
for each loop in CLS, CLS2001, MLS and MLS300 controllers. The
following bits enable (bit set) or disable (bit cleared) the action.

Default: all bits cleared (i.e. all disabled).

Channel Name (78)

This parameter assigns an eight-character name to each channel in the
CAS and CAS200. For the CLS, CLS200, MLS and MLS300, see Loop
Names (77).

Restore PID Digital Input (79)

This parameter specifies the digital input to restore the PID control from
MAN mode to AUTO mode for each loop. When a thermocouple break
occurs and the loop is in AUTO mode, the controller sets the loop to
MAN mode. If the digital input is other than 0 and the input is low, the
loop goes back to AUTO mode when the thermocouple-break condition

Range: 0 (none) to 8.

Default: 0 (none).

Manufacturing Test (80)

This parameter is used for manufacturing to perform specific tests on
each bit.


Bit set to 0

Bit set to 1


Reversed thermocouple
detection disabled.

Reversed thermocouple
detection enabled.


Heat thermocouple break
output averaging disabled.

Heat thermocouple break
output averaging enabled.


Cool thermocouple break
output averaging disabled.

Cool thermocouple break
output averaging enabled.

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Bit set to 0

Bit set to 1


Watchdog timer test disabled.

Watchdog timer test


Halt mux scanning for calibra-
tion test disabled.

Halt mux scanning for cali-
bration test enabled.

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