Chapter 1: introduction, Additional resources – Watlow Addendum to EZwarePlus User Manual

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Chapter 1: Introduction

The Silver Series EM Operator Interface Terminals (OITs) are powerful human machine interfaces for
equipment and processes. EZwarePlus is easy-to-use and flexible software for creating the windows,
buttons, displays, gauges and other screen items with which operators interact on the OIT. The purpose
of this addendum is to quickly get you up and running with the OIT and software when used with
Watlow controllers.

Chapter 2: Install and Wiring provides information needed to physically connect the Silver Series EM
OIT to power and Watlow products.

Chapter 3:Introduction provides definitions and information necessary for using an OIT with Watlow
controllers and other devices. Familiarity with these concepts is assumed in the tutorials that follow.

Chapter 4: Programming Tutorials walks you through the steps of getting Watlow controllers
communicating, creating user interfaces and using powerful user interface features such as trending, data
logging and recipes with Watlow controllers.

Additional Resources

In addition to this addendum the following resources are available for learning about Silver Series EM
OITs and EZwarePlus programming software:

EZwarePlus Programming Manual—available at in the Download Center’s User
Manuals section; search with the part number (0600-0100-0000) in the keyword field.

Watlow Silver Series EM Installation Guide— available at in the Download Center’s
User Manuals section; search with the part number (0600-0101-0000) in the keyword field.

EZ-ZONE ALL Modbus register list in Excel—available at in the Download Center’s
User Manuals section; search for “EZ-ZONE ALL”

Silver Series Secrets video tutorial series—available at in the Download Center’s
Training and Education section. Many of these were created for to the older EZware-5000, but they are
still applicable.

EZwarePlus Software Download for Silver Series EM—the latest version of software for
programming Silver Series EM OITs from Watlow is always available at in the Download
Center’s Software and Demos section; search with “EZware” in the keyword field..

Silver Series Sample Projects—available at in the Download Center’s Software and
Demos section; search with “Silver Series EM” in the keyword field.

Silver Series Frequently Asked Questions—along with other documents addressing specific topics
related to using Silver Series OITs is available at in the Download Center’s Training and
Education section.


Silver Series EM OIT

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Watlow Addendum