Fairbanks InterAct FB3000 Series User Manual

Page 98

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Issue # 2

These fields are only used when the scale indicator is connected to one of your PC's serial (COM)
ports. Select the baud rate, data bits, stop bits, parity and flow control settings for the serial port.
These settings must agree with the corresponding settings in the scale indicator.

Device Type

Select your scale indicator type. This drop down list contains a list of all the preprogrammed
setups that are available. If yours is not listed, we recommend you call Fairbanks Scales for
assistance in adding your indicator.


This list displays all the possible serial port connections that can be used to connect the scale
indicator to your PC. The list contains COM1 through COM8 even though you may not have all
these ports available. If you attempt to use an unavailable serial port, you will receive the error
message "Error 68 - Device Unavailable" when you test the connection (see Test button).

There are two special settings in the connector list: SIM and MANUAL. When SIM is selected, the
scale indicator in the Weigh screen will be configured with a scroll bar. The weight on this indicator
can be scrolled in increments of 3000 units. When MANUAL is selected, the scale indicator in the
Weigh screen will display the word "Manual". When this indicator is active, the operator can type
values into the weight fields.

Zero Command

Some indicators can be zeroed by sending a command via the serial port. Enter the command
here and select one of the end of command character sequences: CR (carriage return), LF (line
feed) or CRLF (carriage return and line feed). When a zero command is entered, a zero button will
appear along side the scale indicator in the Weigh screen. Clicking this button will send this
command to the indicator.

Test button

Click this button to display the indicator test screen.