Diagnostics - delivery status – Liquid Controls LCR 600 Setup & Op User Manual

Page 59

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dIagnoStIcS - delIvery StatuS

delIvery StatuS
ROM Check Sum?

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Has a delivery not started due to the checksum of the
LectroCount program code space failing?


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Has the current delivery not started (or was terminated) due
to an error with the temperature reading hardware?


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Was the processor reset due to a LectroCount watchdog time
out error?

VCF Setup?

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Was there an error setting up the volume compensation factor for the current product?

VCF domain?

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Did the temperature of the product go outside the valid range for the compensation type of the product?

Meter Calibration?

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Did an error occur while setting up the meter calibration for the current delivery?

Pulser Failure?

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Did the current delivery terminate due to too many pulser faults?

Preset Stop?

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Was the gross or net preset volume reached?

No-Flow Stop?

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Was the current delivery stopped due to no-flow being detected through the meter for a specified amount of time?

Stop/Pause Request?

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Was a stop activated by the selector switch during an active delivery?

Print/end Request?

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Was a print activated by the selector switch during an active delivery?

Power Failure?

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Did a delivery end due to a power fail condition for more than 15 seconds?

Preset error? D

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Did a delivery end due to an error condition while attempting to set up a gross or net preset?


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Does the current delivery require a printed ticket but the printer is off-line or busy?

data Access?

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Did a data access error occur during the delivery which was critical to the delivery?