B&K Precision 5492BGPIB - Manual User Manual
Page 84

SCPI Command Reference
Command syntax:
This query command is used to read the latest instrument reading. It returns the display reading or
a reading with REL enabled. For example, if a reference value of 1.0 is established, the reading
returned by this command is the measured reading minus 1.0. Calculated (MATH) readings
cannot be read with this command (See the CALCulate subsystem for information on how to read
math calculations). The reading is returned in exponent form. For example, a 10V DC reading
will be displayed as: +1.000000E+01.
Notice that the measurement function is not included in the response message. Thus, you may
want to perform a function query after a reading query to verify which function this reading reflects.
NPLCycles Command
The NPLCycles command is a subset to current, voltage, and resistance measurement commands, of
which are part of the SENSe subsystem. The below lists out all the command syntax for setting
NPLCycles for different measurement functions.
: NPLCycles
Command Syntax:
Command Parameter:
Set power line cycles per integration
MAXimum 10
Query programmed NPLC value
The integration period (measurement speed) for the basic measurement functions (except