B&K Precision 5492BGPIB - Manual User Manual
Page 67

SCPI Command Reference
MEASure command
Command syntax:
Command parameter :
DC voltage
VOLTage:AC AC voltage
DC current
CURRent:AC AC current
RESistance 2-wire resistor
FRESistance 4-wire resistor
FREQuency Frequency
PERiod Period
DIODe Diode testing
CONTinuity Continuity test
Return String:
Returns a measured reading.
This command combines all of the other signal oriented measurement commands to perform a
” measurement and acquire the reading.
When this command is sent, the following commands execute in order:
:ABORt is executed, if continuous initiation is disabled, the instrument goes into the idle
state. If continuous initiation is enabled, the operation re-starts at the beginning of the Trigger
When :CONFigure is executed, the instrument goes the selected measurement mode.
When :READ? is executed, another :ABORt is performed, then an :INITiate, and finally a FETCh? to
acquire the reading.