B&K Precision 5492BGPIB - Manual User Manual
Page 69

SCPI Command Reference
FETCh Command
Command syntax:
This query command is used to obtain the lastest post-processed reading. This command does
not affect the configuration of the instrument.
This command does not trigger a measurement. The command simply requests the last available
reading. It will continue to return the same reading until there is a new reading.
This command will be automatically asserted when :READ? or :MEASure? command is sent.
Continuous initiation must be enabled or an error will occur when sending this command.
READ Command
Command syntax:
When this command is sent, the following commands execute in order:
When :ABORt is executed, if continuous initiation is disabled, the instrument goes into the idle state.
If continuous initiation is enabled, the operation re-starts at the beginning of the Trigger Model.
If the instrument is in the idle state, :INITiate takes the instrument out of the idle state. If continuous
initiation is enabled (:INITiate:CONTinuous ON), then the :INITiate command generates an error
and ignores the command.
See the :FETCh? command for more details. Note that an “Init ignored” error will not cancel the
execution of the :FETCh? command.
NOTE: You cannot use the :READ? command if there are readings stored in the buffer
(error -225, out of memory). Clear the buffer before using :READ?