3 basic rules of command structure, 4 multiple command rules, 5 command path rules – B&K Precision 5492BGPIB - Manual User Manual
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SCPI Command Reference
6.2.3 Basic Rules of Command Structure
Commands are not case sensitive.
For example:
FUNC:VOLT:DC = func:volt:dc = Func:Volt:Dc
Spaces (︺ is used to indicate a space) must not be placed before and/or after the colon (:).
For example:
(wrong) FUNC︺:︺VOLT:DC
(right) FUNC:VOLT:DC
The command can be completely spelled out or in abbreviated type. (In the following description,
short form will be printed in upper case.)
For example:
The command header should be followed by a question mark (?) to generate a query for that
For example:
6.2.4 Multiple Command Rules
The semicolon (;) can be used as a separator to execute multiple commands on a single line. The
multiple command rules are as follows.
Commands at the same level and in the same subsystem command group can be separated by a
semicolon (;) on a multiple command line.
For example:
CALCulate3:LIMit[1]:STATe ;STATe?
To restart commands from the highest level, a semicolon (;) must be used as the separator, and
then a leading colon (:), which shows that the restarted command is a command at the top of the
command tree.
For example:
The common commands can restart only after a semicolon on a multiple command line.
For example,
CALCulate3:LIMit[1]:STATe ;*IDN?
6.2.5 Command Path Rules
Each new program message must begin with the root command, unless it is optional (e.g.,
[:SENSe]). If the root is optional, simply treat a command word on the next level as the root.
The colon at the beginning of a program message is optional and need not be used. Example:
:DISPlay:ENABle = DISPlay:ENABle
When the path pointer detects a colon(;), it moves down to the next command level.