B&K Precision 5492BGPIB - Manual User Manual
Page 77

SCPI Command Reference
Command syntax:
Return String:
If the reading does not take up 8 characters, the unused characters become spaces.
For example: If the stored reading is 11.0016, the return string is: _ 11.0016
If the stored reading is 0.326, the return string is: _ _ _0.326
(where _ is a space)
This query command will return a statistical calculation result based on the stored readings inside
the buffer. It can be either the Maximum reading, minimum reading, the average of the stored
readings, or the standard deviation based on the stored readings.
The “:CALC2:FORM” command
is used to select which calculation result to return after this query.
:CALCulate3 Subsystem
These commands are used to configure and control the limit test.
Specify upper limit
Specify lower limit
Command syntax:
Command Parameter:
Specify limit value
Query upper limit
Query lower limit
Return String: